The beauty queen (24) sentenced to death for "slashing" her boyfriend to death


  The beauty queen (24) sentenced to death for

A Kenyan court sentenced a 24-year-old beauty queen to death for murdering her boyfriend by stabbing him 25 times. Ruth Kamande, who won a beauty pageant in prison pending trial, killed her partner Farid Mohammed (24), died in 2015 and was found guilty in May.

"I want Young people know that it's not cool to kill your boyfriend or girlfriend, even if you feel disappointed or frustrated – do not do it," said Thursday Jessie Lesiit, High Court Judge.

The judge accused Kamande of "manipulative" behavior that included access to the victim's mobile phone and showed no remorse for the vicious attack that had "left blood" on the scene. crime. 19659004] "I think the adoption of another sentence than that prescribed (death) would turn the accused into a hero," said Lesiit

Amnesty International described the sentence as "cruel, inhuman and obsolete "

" This sentence is a blow. "According to Amnesty International Director Irungu Houghton, [traduction]

The victim's family insisted that the sentence correspond to the crime [19659003"Wearehappythatthisdayhascomeandthathergrandparentshersisterwasincourttodaywhenthisverdictwasgiven"saidthevictim'sauntEmmahWanjikutoreportersaftersentence"Hehadjuststartedworkwhenhislifewascutshort"

Kamande's lawyer Joyner Okonjo said that she would appeal the sentence.

Kenya has an effective ban on executing death sentences and no death sentences have been executed Since 1987.

The country's Supreme Court ruled in December 2017 that the death penalty mandatory for murder and armed robbery was unconstitutional, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

The death penalty remains in the statutes. – The mirror

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