The error of the Kanze Dena team on the Uhuru handwritten notes


A photo of the acting spokesman of the State House, Kanze Dena. [Photo/PSCU]

President Uhuru Kenyatta would secretly operate by taking major government decisions without involving prominent figures at State House.

One of those actions was the recent appointments that were made on Friday.

According to sources at the State House, there was no prior knowledge of the changes underway in the government.

That's why the media was called to State House twice; first to announce changes in the army and later in the afternoon to capture several appointments.

Even though the media was waiting at home on the hill, nobody knew what was going to be announced.

President Kenyatta handwritten notes to his new chief of communications Kanze Dena to read to the media.

This forced Dena's staff to transcribe what she was reading on live TV in order to be published in press rooms as press statements. several errors among them missing the names of the named ones.

They even omitted the name of Esther Koimett who had been named Transport PS.

"The name of Esther Koimett was accidentally omitted.

The anomaly has since been rectified," said State House spokesman Interim.

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