The holder of Iac Interactivecorp (IACI), Tiger Eye Capital LLC, reduced its stake because the shares were volatile


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Market News


July 15, 2018 – By Darrin Black

Investor sentiment is 1.06 in Q1 2018. It's the same as in 2017T4. It is unchanged since 34 investors sold shares of IACI and 127 reduced their holdings. only 67 funds opened positions while 103 increased stakes. 67.92 million shares, or 0.64% less than 68.35 million shares in the fourth quarter of 2017, were reported. 80,165 are owned by Citigroup. Lincoln invested 0.01% in ** SEE (NASDAQ: IACI). Castleark Management Lc holds 0.27% or 55,335 shares in its portfolio. 11 were reported by Loring Wolcott and Coolidge Fiduciary Ltd. Ma Liability Partnership. Quantbot Technology LP reported having 1,368 shares. Bank & Trust Of Nova Scotia holds 97,131 shares for 0.08% of its portfolio. 1832 Asset Management Fund, Ontario – The Canadian fund reported 263 shares. Soros Fund Mgmt Ltd. Co, a New York-based fund, reported 163,500 shares. The California Pub Employees Retirement System has accumulated 168,041 shares. 31,181 were accumulated by Axa. Asset Mngmt One invested 0.04% in ** SEE (NASDAQ: IACI). Manufacturers' life insurance 2,847 shares declared. Gator Cap Ltd Co holds 0.38% of the capital invested in ** SEE (NASDAQ: IACI) for 2,500 shares. Alexandria Capital Ltd Co holds 2,626 shares for 0.06% of its portfolio. Two Sigma Ltd Llc holds 6,529 shares for 0.01% of its portfolio

Ben Gambill has reduced its stake in Iac Interactivecorp (IACI) by 21.16% based on its latest regulatory filings with the SEC in 2018Q1 . Tiger Eye Capital Llc sold 46,748 shares in the company's shares for 0.00%. The hedge fund managed by Ben Gambill held 174,211 shares of the other specialty store company at the end of the first quarter of 2018, valued at $ 27.24 million, compared to 220,959 at the end of the previous quarter. Tiger Eye Capital Llc, which had invested in Iac Interactivecorp for several months, appears to be less optimistic than the market capitalization company. He finally closed at $ 50.68. It is down 0.00% since July 15, 2017 and is. It underperformed the S & P500 by 12.57%.

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By Darrin Black

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