The Mavoko MP calls for the resignation of the chief of police on the demolitions of Athi River


Police guard custody as structures are demolished on controversial EAPCC lands in the Athi River in Machakos County on Thursday. Mavoko MP Patrick Makau said Machakos police chief Samuel Mukindia should resign with immediate effect

Makau said the police chief should leave his office after house demolitions. EAPCC) lands on Thursday in the Athi River, in Mavoko Sub County.

He spoke to the press in the city of Athi River on Thursday

Makau condemned the demolitions claiming that the legal procedures had never been followed.

He said that more than 500 homes belonging to the local population were demolished during the incident.

Makau said that the county commander should be sued in court because of the loss suffered by residents whose houses had been demolished.

He claimed that those who carried out the demolitions were in contempt of court

Makau condemned the police officers for participating in the demolitions

"The police everywhere monitored the houses that were in the process of being destroyed. be demolished, but there is a case in court about this case.The police chief of Machakos should resign with immediate effect and be prosecuted, "said Makau.

Athi River Police Chief Sharma Wario confirmed the demolitions but denied that the police were involved in the exercise. company unless the court decides otherwise.

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