The Ministry of Education prohibits non-official teaching hours – KBC


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<p><strong>  The Ministry of Education has banned clbades that take place before 8:00 or after 15:30 and wish that public or private institutions from all over day adheres to the official program. </strong></p>
<p>  The ambbadador of the Ministry of Education, Ambbadador Amina Mohamed, said that some investigations had revealed that some schools forced students to take clbades from 5:30 in the morning and after 17:00, which caused frustrations among learners. "Even if we maintain standards, we should not stretch our children too much," Amb Mohamed said, noting that learners in rural schools were facing a permanent danger when they were forced to go to school.Are earlier than usual. </p>
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The news of on your mobile as it happens SMS & # 39; NEWS & # 39; TO 22163 [1 9659006] The Basic Education Regulations 2015 provides for the period between 8:00 am and 3:30 am The steps taken by the ministry to ensure that schools respect the official opening hours of public or private facilities open all day are among the immediate measures to combat student discipline and discipline.

Mohamed Mohamed said that school management should also have a report on student discipline and unrest in secondary schools. regular meetings with students to enable them to express their views and grievances to the administration without victimization.

The SC however stated that the ministry was working on a framework that will improve the school atmosphere for learners.

the abuse of alcohol and drugs, and also to the frustration of students that the rigor of the administration of national exams She said that cheating on exams had become an accepted practice or normal, saying that it was time for students to know that only hard work and honesty pay off in the long run. She argued that corporal punishment is a viable form of discipline, arguing that it undermines the dignity of learners and their self-confidence.

Amb Mohamed said the ministry would strengthen counseling and guidance services in schools. The CS was supervised by the Principal Secretary for Pre-School Education and Basic Education, Dr. Belio Kipsang, the Executive Director, Mr. Elyas Abdi among other graduate studies. officials.


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