The recovery of alcoholics protests against late payment


A program in which the Kiambu County Government paid for Sh400 recovery alcoholics on a daily basis was hit by a lack of liquidity.

The county government now owes the beneficiaries Sh40 million in arrears.

Some 5,000 beneficiaries of the controversial program, baptized "Kaa Sober" was Sh2 million every day after doing a subordinate job such as garbage collection, cleaning shrubs on the roads and unlocking drainages.

for the last 20 days and each of them now claims 8,000 shillings, or a total of 40 million Sh.

In some neighborhoods, the youths demolished their tools and swore not to return to work before paying their dues.

Ms. Feristas Wanjiru from Kamburu Ward in Lari, part of the program, said that the last time she had received the money on July 3.

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