The shame of blocked public projects that have engulfed billions of shillings


Hundreds of government-funded projects across the country that cost taxpayers billions of shillings are rotting because of their non-completion.

The projects that, year after year, are called White Elephants by Auditor General Edward Ouko in his report, prompted President Uhuru Kenyatta to give the directive that they must be completed before embarking on it. again.

"There will be no new projects that will be undertaken until you complete those that are going on … new projects are aligned on the big four, they can not be launched without the express permission of CS or PS National Treasury, "Uhuru said Friday.

A look at the Auditor General's 2015-2016 report that represents a small fraction of the sorry state of abandoned projects gives an idea of ​​the free waste by the national government and the 47 counties.

Read: Uhuru freezes new projects until the current projects are completed

entrepreneurs after receiving installments while others under the EDF National government are often abandoned when the election of a new MP.

A clbadic example of a national project is the new building of Mitihani House in southern Nairobi, which is owned by the Kenya National Examination Council, which is yet to be completed 28 years after its creation. The building receives a cash allowance every financial year.

Those born when the project was initiated are graduates of the university and, if they are married, probably have children in school.

In 2016, although the building was 54% completed, the Auditor General said that it needed an extra 2.6 billion shillings. This was according to the evaluation estimates of an engineer.

Construction of 144 three-bedroom homes for military officers at Kenyatta Barracks in Gilgil has been on standby for 13 years.

In 2005, the Ministry of Defense entrusted the construction of the capital to build houses within two years. When the project was half completed and that Sh 295 million had already been paid to the contractor, the offer was canceled and a new contract was awarded, the project costs were revised upwards from an additional Sh660.

In the same barracks, a contract of 459 million shillings for a food processing plant was signed in March 2015. The Auditor General points out that although 73% of the funds allocated to the factory have been paid, the project had stalled.

The auditor challenges a contract of 373 million shillings to equip the factory, but to date no equipment has been delivered.

More: What Uhuru freezes on new projects means

A Sh316 million contract to build houses in Embakasi The project was to be completed in one year but two years later and with 265 million Sh already injected into the project to be delivered.

The auditor queries about a 20 billion Sh allocation to the National Irrigation Board Ouko asked why the agency wanted 15 billion additional shillings to complete 21 initiated irrigation projects in 2012 for 80 million shillings, but stalled.

Some of the irrigation systems that have stopped include: Komo (Sh12m), Lokubae (Sh36m), Lower Nzoia (Sh7m), Maugo (Sh1.4m), Rachuonyo (Sh6.96m), Rahole (Sh1m .71m), Rapsu (Sh32.62m), Sio (Sh10.78m), Siso (Sh13.39m), Irrigation of Suba Clusters Project (Sh1.4m), Subukia (Sh2.4m), Tunyo (Sh9.500) and Usueni (Sh1.3 million).

Others are Bura (Sh45.8m), Elelea (Sh4.4m), Hola (Sh7.2m), Kagaari Gaturi (Sh333.9m), Kibwezi (Sh1.1m) and Kieni (Sh24.7m) ).

Read: Governors blew millions of taxpayers' money on white elephant projects – Ouko

In 2009, President Mwai Kibaki launched an ambitions project titled Miti Mingi, Maisha Bora

This little-known project aimed to increase forest cover in arid and semi-arid areas to promote regular rainfall and create a sustainable environment. At the time of its termination in December 2015, Miti Mingi, Maisha Bora had a budget of 2.4 billion Sh. The project had then exhausted 1.4 billion shillings or 55 percent of the total amount received

"The amount spent as of June 30, 2016 was 1 408 billion shillings or 55 percent of the commitment and the According to Mr. Ouko in his 2015-2016 report

the program might not be able to use the remaining 1.5 billion shillings since the project was already completed, adding that, therefore, the objectives and results of the program may not have been achieved.

The Other Project, Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience, had a budget of 425 million shillings and was to help monitor the weather to prevent droughts and floods 19659002] While the program is alive, it took longer than expected to take off or finish.

L & # 3 9, idea to attract funds from the Finnish government, which was offering more than 18.6 million euros (2.3 billion shillings) to the Government of Kenya Projects were implemented by Kenya Forest Service.

Ouko reports also exposed white elephant projects that swallowed up to 10 billion shillings of taxpayer money, some projects not being executed. Just like the Mombasa fertilizer plant that was never built despite the allocation of 6.3 billion shillings.

During the last fiscal year, the Ministry of Education received 428 million shillings for the construction of facilities in eight technical institutions. two years, all contracts were late at the time of the Auditor General's review.

Auditor General Questions Millions Spent on Incomplete Projects in Kisumu County

The Star has established that the identification and verification of CDF projects abandoned primarily in the deconcentrated areas of the water , health and market

Yusuf Mbuno, Acting CEO of NG-CDF, confirmed yesterday that the audit involves establishing the status of completion of projects before calculating the total cost of their completion .

to finance because if they are left, it will be a waste of taxpayer money. The projects were abandoned in 2016 following the promulgation of the new FDC law of the national government restricting projects funded by state constituencies to Star.

The purpose of the Act was to reduce the overlap of roles between national and county governments in the implementation of the various functions set out in the Fourth Schedule of the New Constitution

. focus on national government programs from September 2016.

"We had to stop funding functions that were not the responsibility of the national government, but there were a lot of projects going on. the projects were still there, but the new law could not allow us to allocate funds for their implementation, "Mbuno said.

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