The "transparent" verification process of Instagram proves anything but


The latest Instagram game on transparency has nothing proven: users are frustrated and the company does not look like anything other than to advertising.

With Instagram, a new feature was launched yesterday. iPhones and iPads to request verification of their account.

Instagram said the feature would give accounts in Australia that are "notable, authentic and meeting certain criteria", an opportunity to check on Instagram.

"Our community asked us We hope this new feature will protect people from false promises of verification and help to understand the verification process on Instagram more easily," said the social platform in a statement.

READ MORE: Blue Ticks Instagram: How to be Checked

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(The three-step process that some users may follow to have their profile checked Image: Provided)

Verification gives the user a much-coveted "blue check" , usually reserved for celebrities, athletes and influencers who may reproduce profiles.

9Finance understands that many users have received the verification function In case of refusal, users are informed that they do not meet the verification criteria of Instagram and can submit a new request in the 30 days.

Before the function was launched, Instagram checked the accounts on

"Accounts representing well-known personalities and brands are verified because they are likely to be misused," says Instagram in its FAQ on verified badges.

"We want to make sure that people in the Instagram community can easily find the people and the authentic brands they want to follow."

In the new system, a partial revision is performed automatically for criteria such as "exhauseness".

the account meets the minimum requirements, including the criteria of "completeness" – which means that it is public, has a biography, at least one post and a profile photo – it is then forwarded to the # 39; s operation team for review. completeness "is only part of the blue Instagram puzzle.

To be verified, an account must also be considered to have a" notability ", which means that the account holder represents a well-known and sought-after individual mark or entity appearing in several news sources

(A rejection message sent by Instagram to a user after requesting verification Image: Provided)

It is understood that Notability generally indicates that an account has a large number of followers.

9Finance contacted Instagram to get clarification on the number of subscribers an account needs – but despite the badertions of Transparency the social media giant did not answer the question.

There is no indication that the audit criteria have changed since the launch of the demand function.

The alleged "tr "Ansparence" of Instagram has been criticized in the past. several online services running – often as scams – as middlemen selling coveted blue ticks to users for thousands of dollars.

In September 2017 tech website Mashable made contact with several web developers proposing to sell the Instagram verification for

The competing platforms Twitter and Facebook have already accepted the public requests for verification accounts.

Twitter has ceased to accept the acceptance of public submissions for verification in November 2017, after the platform has been thoroughly reviewed to give the appearance that a verification badge was an official endorsement.

Facebook still accepts public submissions for verification with strict and clear criteria. do not sell blue verification badges.

Have you been able to have your account verified since deployment? Contact us at [email protected]

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