The Wakulima market is about to be demolished for a new project


The Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) seeks to dismantle Nairobi's Wakulima Market to build an ultra-modern road

The road to be built is an overpbad that will connect Enterprise Road to the city. The overpbad, also known as a viaduct, will be built at the top of the Nairobi Railway Court to facilitate traffic along Mombasa Road.

The images of the proposed road indicate that there will be a bridge to connect the other roads. The Wakulima market will be demolished to create space.


In a statement published in the KURA paper presented in February, the market will be moved to another area."

"Design of the viaduct will begin after the completion of the feasibility study and agreement on the relocation of the Wakulima market."

KURA also stated that the land had been identified and funds already acquired for the construction of the Japan International Cooperation Agency. JICA) who will finance the ambitious project

The engineer in charge of management at KURA, Silas Kinoti, noted Tuesday that it was a long-term plan in the integrated urban development master plan of Nairobi called NIUPLAN

. Muthurwa Estate would be the possible relocation site for the Wakulima market.

"At the same time, he is expected to go far in the expansion of the CBD and permanently alter the Na He said:

The Roads Authority also had talks with the market traders, the Nairobi County Government and the Kenyan railway staff, as they would also be affected.

"Up until now, several consultative meetings have been held during the months of April, May and June 2018 with stakeholders, including residents of the Muthurwa Estate, as part of the Resettlement Action Plan process
.These studies are conducted in accordance with legislation relevant Kenyans and JICA guidelines on environmental and social safeguarding, "said part of the statement on the project

KURA is responsible for the rehabilitation and maintenance of urban roads. parastatal business was in c Onflict with the inhabitants of Kibera during the construction of the Ngong Road-Lang-Ata Ksh2 billion link road that will see the displaced residents.


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