Tires may soon be made from wood rather than oil for sustainability


The French tire manufacturer Michelin has announced that it would replace its oil-based ingredients with wood chips.

The gesture is part of the company's efforts to make a whole series of tires last.

In addition, the use of locally sourced wood chips as a renewable ingredient in products should help reduce the tire industry's dependence on oil. It is also expected that wood ingredients will significantly reduce production costs.

Michelin's first wood-based tire is expected to be unveiled in 2020.

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"Elastomers from wood chips will replace the oil content of tires." According to Cyrille Roget, world director of scientific communication and innovation, according to Motoring .

"We have a project that is working on wood chips, we will use the waste from the wood industry to create elastomers that go into the tires," he added. is a good solution for the future. "

The company is currently working with self-sustaining wood plantations in Brazil as a means of developing the process.

MORE : Remember the Young man with a plan to rid the oc "Another big step that Michelin will use to extend the life of its tires will be the use of 3D printers to retread and repair worn tires.

The surfaces of 3D printing tires will not materialize for 10 or 15 years, but it could be much earlier depending on how the technology develops.

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