Trash Tutorial: The quality of mixed recyclables – News –


Competition for available markets is fierce.

Q: Recently, it was reported in national news that recyclable material collection companies were forced to reroute their recyclables from foreign buyers to their local landfill site. Has this situation ever had an impact on Rhode Island? – D.F. Portsmouth

A: I noticed that this was also making national news, D.F., so I am happy to have the opportunity to respond locally. These stories are regarding China's new quality rules, aimed at reducing the amount of waste that they receive in recycling shipments. Normally the world's largest importer of recyclable materials, China has outright banned the entry of some materials into the country and established extremely high quality standards for others. This move is in response to the growing amount of trash that they have received from other countries, mixed with recyclable materials.

Bearing a name that translates to "National Sword", this new policy has certainly dealt a blow to the recycling industry. With China's gates closed, Material Recycling Centers (MRFs) tried to divert materials elsewhere and in some cases the only "elsewhere" available was a landfill. However, that has not been our fate here in Rhode Island, and this can be attributed to some things.

First, at the time of entry into force of National Sword, we were only shipping some of RI's paper and cardboard. China. In other parts of the country (particularly on the West Coast), FRMs shipped a much larger percentage of their recyclables, which affected them more heavily.

Second, we took into account the warning. We were aware of China's intentions and, in preparation, we began to diversify our shipments. At this point, we stopped all shipments to China.

Third, while markets other than China were flooded, prices fell to the point where we started paying for equipment. At the time of writing this column, we are paying $ 8 a tonne for paper, which cost us $ 95 a tonne for last year. Fortunately, we can manage market fluctuations like this from time to time, but not all MRFs (and no MRFs can, forever).

Fourthly, we pushed to improve the quality of IR recycling The problem that China has had at its doors is reminiscent of the problem we had on ours – too much waste in recycling . In response, we made adjustments to our sorting process and launched our Let's Recycle Right campaign! ™, awarded last month with the highest distinction of 2018 for an awareness campaign of the North American Solid Waste Association. is fierce. Now, more than ever, the quality of mixed recycling from R.I. We are doing everything we can to keep the product marketable, but we need your help. Please recycle only items accepted in our blended recycling program, but nothing more. This means only (1) paper, cardboard and cartons, (2) cans, lids and foils, (3) glbad bottles and jars, and (4) plastic containers. Keep plastic bags and never put recycling in plastic bags. Do your best Rhode Island, and we will continue to do ours.

– Krystal Noiseux is responsible for education and outreach to the RIRRC. Send your question, including the city or city where you are writing, to Trash Tutorial, Department of Features, The Providence Journal, 75 St. Fountain, Providence, RI 02902. Or send an email to features @ providencejournal. com and put "Trash Tutorial" in the subject field.

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