Tulicheswo !!! Otile Brown dedicates a song to Vera Sidika


Vera Sidika and Otile Brown [Photo: Courtesy]

In recent days, it has been said that in the street, social-socialist socialist Vera Sidika had thrown her new lover, Otile Brown.

For months, we have been talking about the city, turning heads with their public manifestation of affection.

Rumors of their apparent breakup were fueled when it appeared that the mundane deleted all the photos of Otile that they had taken from their romantic trip. Otile Brown also removed all of Vera's photos from her Instagram account and did not follow her.

It is now official that the famous couple is very united and they are far from calling.

Otile Brown has released a new song "Baby Love" in which he constantly rebadures Vera of his love.

The winding owner of a multi-million beauty salon in the city is also the video vixen in the new song.

& # 39; & # 39; When bae sings for you and it melts your heart (literally) I love you baby @otilebrown you are the best and OMG your voice! I know I say that all the time, but bading grandpa !!!! Just can not get enough ???? … are you a special and talented human? "She shared on her Instagram

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