Uganda Airlines Orders Four CRJ-900s


Uganda Airlines (Entebbe / Kampala) signed a firm order contract with Bombardier (BBA, Montreal Trudeau) for four new CRJ-900s. The jets will feature a two-clbad configuration with 76 seats, including 12 seats in business clbad.

"By establishing Entebbe / Kampala as a hub in East Africa and strengthening connectivity in Africa, we have examined our needs in depth. "CEO Ephraim Bagenda said in a statement." With its proven track record in Africa and in other parts of the world, we are confident that the CRJ-900 aircraft will help us succeed. "

The State Minister of Planning, David Bahati, said the government expects the carrier backed by the state to start operating between March and April 2019. In accordance with its international aspirations, the government Ugandan also alluded to the acquisition of two A330-200s for Uganda Airlines.

With the imminent launch of Uganda Airlines, Burundi and South Sudan are the only members of the Caribbean Community. East Africa without an active national carrier project.Other members of the bloc include Uganda, Rwanda (with RwandAir), Kenya (with Kenya Airways), Tanzania (with Air Tanzania).

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