Uganda reports fever epidemic


The Ugandan Ministry of Health has reported an outbreak of Rift Valley fever in two of its districts, and Rwanda reports the disease in animals as well as suspected human cases, events that occur concurrently with epidemic underway in Kenya. The epidemics pose a threat to other countries in the region, particularly East Africa, which experiences heavy rains, according to WHO

. mosquitoes, although humans can be infected by mosquitoes, the virus is more often transmitted through contact with infected blood or animal organs or with sick milk

Uganda in the "cattle corridor"

. Two unrelated cases were confirmed on 28 June in two separate districts in the western part of the country. Both involve men who have been exposed to animals. One patient is a 47-year-old butcher who became ill on June 20 and died at home the following evening. Health officials collected a postmortem sample and sent it to the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI).

The second patient is a worker and a breeder whose symptoms started on June 25th. fever. Samples were taken during hospitalization and sent to UVRI. The man died on June 30 and a safe burial was carried out, according to the WHO.

Another confirmed case was reported in a third district, but the WHO said it expected more information about the disease. Two other suspected cases are under investigation and animal samples were taken from the farm where one of the patients worked and in the slaughterhouse where the worker was working. 39; another.

The Ugandan government has deployed a rapid response team in the affected districts. the isolation unit of Mbarara Regional Hospital as the main treatment center and prepared district hospitals to treat cases.

The WHO said the affected districts were in the "livestock corridor" that stretches from the south-west to the north-east of the country. 19659002] "The outbreak in Uganda occurs at a time when Kenya is experiencing a large outbreak of Rift Valley Fever and where Rwanda is experiencing an epizootic, with suspected human cases," said the author. WHO

. more outbreaks reported

In Kenya, where an outbreak has been in progress since May, four more cases of Rift Valley fever have been reported, bringing the total epidemics from 4 to 94 July, 20 between they confirmed. Ten deaths have been reported. Diseases have been reported in three counties: Wajir, Marsabit and Siaya.

The country's Ministry of Agriculture has reported several outbreaks of animals in recent months, particularly in areas that had been flooded after heavy rains. According to a notification from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), four new outbreaks have been reported in the counties of Marsabit, Mandera, Baringo and Meru.

Events began on farms from June 22 to July 2, killing 950 animals, which included sheep, camels, cattle, and goats. Investigators found that the source of outbreaks was illegal movements of animals, contact with infected animals in pastures and vectors.

See also:

July 16 Regional Report of the African Regional Office of WHO

Jul 3 CIDRAP News scan "Diseases Reach 90 in the Epidemic of Kenya Rift Valley Fever "

16 July OIE Report on Kenya Rift Valley Fever

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