Uhuru meets legislators, Cotu on affordable housing plan


President Uhuru Kenyatta Meets Legislators and Cotu Officials to Discuss the Affordable Housing Roadmap

Vice President William Ruto and the Secretary General of the Central Organization of Trade Unions , Francis Atwoli. 19659002] Housing is one of the pillars of the four big agenda of the president. The measures that the state is taking to deliver the 500,000 housing units planned in the next five years have been explained.

Read: The decent and affordable 50,000 homes of Uhuru are gaining speed

the cost of housing. The issue of escalating land costs, support infrastructure, anchor legislation and funding were discussed.

Uhuru urged leaders to actively participate in the project as Kenyans deserve good quality and affordable homes. The legislators attending the meeting came from the Transportation, Public Works and Housing Committee of the National Assembly and the Senate Standing Committee on Roads and Transportation

. a devolved function.

The Head of State saluted the 22 counties that have already joined the program.

"I am happy that more county governments are joining the program after a meeting with the Board of Governors," Uhuru said.

CS James Macharia said the meeting was part of the program. ongoing engagement of stakeholders and public participation.

This is both a constitutional requirement and international best practice, he said.

"To avoid the mistakes of the past, we engage all stakeholders beginning with the country's top leaders." CS Macharia said:

Read: Uhuru's low-cost housing would cost $ 600,000 to 3 million shillings

DP Ruto urged leaders to support the housing program by drumming "As leaders, we have a unique opportunity to solve the housing problem that has eluded us for more than 50 years by supporting this program, "said Vice President.

Ruto said that by providing land and supporting infrastructure such as water, sanitation services, roads and l & # 39; 39, electricity, the state is in the process of achieving affordable housing.

Kenya has a deficit of 1.9 million units.There is an annual demand of 250 000 units against a supply annual number of 50,000 homes.

ccession to property in Kenya is an expensive undertaking.

The state aims to provide cheaper homes for the urban poor, rural communities and the middle clbad.

Senior State Housing Department Secretary Charles Hinga said the affordable housing project would be unveiled in Nairobi and gradually rolled out

To learn more: Eastlands is putting up 30,000 cheap homes then that the Big Four take shape

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