We Decline Handshake for Peace – Mediamax Network Limited


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Eugene Wamalwa.Photo/Courtesy

"data-medium-file =" http://www.mediamaxnetwork.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Eugene-Wamalwa-300×200.jpg "data-large-file =" http: // www .mediamaxnetwork.co.ke / wp-content / uploads / 2018/05 / Eugene-Wamalwa.jpg "/>

Eugene Wamalwa, secretary of the Cabinet of Devolution, urged Kenyans to support the "handshake" between President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga. Ruto. Speaking at a fundraiser for the benefit of St Michael's Catholic Church in Nakuru, Wamalwa said the handshake was a good thing for the country adding that it should to be adopted by peaceful citizens.

"We delegate the handshake to the regions and villages as this will help our president to implement the Big Four program," he said.

But local MPs, led by Kimani Ngunjiri (Bahati), Samuel Arama (Nakuru West) and David Gikaria (Nakuru East) wondered if the "handshake" was linked to the 2022 succession policy

"You have seen what is happening at the summit but what we are telling them is that whatever their plans, they should not interfere with the peace we currently enjoy," said Ngunjiri.

He added that he was going to resist plans to marginalize Ruto adding that he was willing to pay the political price for it. According to him, it would be unfair to deny him (Ruto) the chance to succeed Uhuru in 2022.

Ngunjiri, who has just been named spokesperson for the United Kikuyu community living in the Rift Valley, has said he would rally his supporters behind Ruto.

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