We were not gagged on Ruto: Center leaders say :: Kenya


A representative group of IAPCA leaders in Kayole, Nairobi. [Beverlyne Musili, Standard]

Jubilant leaders in central Kenya denied having been warned to stop supporting Vice President William Ruto's candidacy for president. 2022.

Leaders who spoke at a religious service attended by Ruto in Nairobi, promised to stay with the vice president to ensure that he succeeds President Uhuru Kenyatta.


We are still beggars after the handshake, says the governor Ferdinand Waititu (Kiambu), the deputies Charles Njagua (Starehe), Kimani Ichung & # 39; wa (Kikuyu), James Gakuya (North Embakasi), John Kiarie (South Dagoreti) ), George Theuri (West Embakasi), Kanini Kega (Kieni) and Senator Johnson Sakaja of Nairobi spoke at a fundraiser at the Kayole African Independent Pentecostal Church (AIPCA).

"No one has asked me not to badociate with the vice president – those who propagate propaganda should know that our plans for the future remain the same," Njagua said.

Njagua said that they were on track to deliver Ruto to the presidency.

Kega also said that there was nothing to do with the gag orders and reiterated his support for Ruto.

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"The latest instructions we received from President Uhuru Kenyatta are that they are working closely with Mr. Ruto and we should follow them, we have not received any further instructions," Kega said. .

Waititu said that they had settled on Ruto in the 2022 estate and "no one tells us otherwise."

"We do not care about opponents, those who come for a handshake should know that the house is set and should never try to shake it," said Waititu.

He asked Ruto to beware of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga saying that he can never be trusted.


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"He (Raila) is aiming at you but Jubilee is unwavering, and we pray that you will work with the President to deliver the Jubilee Manifesto," said Waititu.

Ichung & Wa asked the DP and the President to focus on the promises they made to Kenyans and to avoid the distractions of opponents.

Gakuya, Kiarie and Theuri also pledged their support for Ruto's presidential candidacy.

Sakaja declared his support and said that those who tried to politicize what the DP would do would fail.

"We do not support you because of the holiday or what we are told, but because we know your vision," said Sakaja.

Ruto is kept out of his 2022 estate plans, but said that he will not be distracted by the critics by doing what he feels best for Kenyans.

He said that some of his critics had questioned his fundraising activities, but he did not ask them about their financial situation.


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"They bring their own money to witches and wizards at night but we deliver it during the day for God's work.

"We do not ask them where they take their money, why should they ask us, let them do as we do," said Ruto, who gave 1.5 million shillings.

In addition, the DP has asked all members of the government to perform their duties in accordance with the Constitution.

He said that the Jubilee Administration will ensure that each branch of government is sufficiently facilitated to provide the services expected of them and has asked the responsible agencies to ensure that they are able to provide the services they require. they deliver to Kenyans.

He said, "The work of the Public Prosecution Branch, the Criminal Investigations Branch and the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission would be measured by the waste and mismanagement investigations. public resources. On the other hand, the production of the judiciary would be evaluated by the courts that they would dispense. "

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