When old Jomo is off his head


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Last week, President Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the United States of America going on the illegal imports of dirty sugar. He said: "People are out there bundling my brother (name) … I have no problem. If he is guilty, let him be dealt with. What's the problem? "

By insisting that everyone, including his own brother, was equal before the law, the President was in the elementary phase. Kenyatta's father, First President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, [1962] In the first incident, President of the United States

Below I reprinted a personal letter written by Mr. James Osogo, who was involved in the incident. The latter, now 85, is gracefully living at Port Victoria, Busia county.


For your future writings may I add my experience with the old man (President Jomo Kenyatta). When I served Kenyans as Minister for Trade and Industry, Mzee's brother James Muigai wanted to import silk material from Far East to the Kenyan market. The President ranks me from State House and asked me whether I knew his brother James.

I answered in the affirmative. He asked me to give Mr Muigai an audience at my office, which I subsequently did. In my office, Mr. Muigai produced several import indents applying to material silk material worth Sh16 million.

I went through the indents and found only three worth Sh3 million, which could be allowed. At the time was growing silkworms at Thika with a foreign country for the purpose of manufacturing silk material for the Asian community.

The government had decided that the manufacturing company would be the only one to import few meters of the material while the company was under construction. The factory could also import silk yarn on silkworms.

Back to Mr Muigai 's indents killing the silk manufacturing factory in Thika, in the President's constituency.

Mr Muigai emphatically told me that the President had directed me to accept the applications, but I politely told him that I was told by the President to consider the request.

Mr Muigai lost his temper, collected the indents and left for State House. I immediately followed him. At the time, Ministers flying the national flag were

I went into the Comptrollers' office and informed him of the President that I wanted to see him.

The President allowed me into his office straight away, where I found Mr Muigai to update his position.

I was told that this was an application that was made to be used by my brother.

Mzee quietly listened to me as I arrived at the conclusion. When I finished my explanation, he looked at his brother in the eye and asked him: "Mr Muigai replied in affirmative, to which Mzee said:" If you have heard, then you must abide by his decision.

The next incident involved the President's favorite niece Ms Beth Wambui, now Nominated Legislator Beth Mugo. In the Taita-Taveta county

When they could not agree, the Greek sought legal reconciliation by the law firm of Waruhiu and Muite Advocates. Lawyer Paul Muite handled the matter.

The later told me that one morning he got to his office to receive a message that he call some number.

When he did, the receiver told the president. "At first I thought it must be an April Fool's day plank", recalled Mr Muite. "But sure enough, a booming voice" (19659006) Mr Muite told me that he was "a girl by name Beth" Wambui: "Then he asked to be briefed on the matter in court."

"I took him through the details of the case and he listened without interruption", Mr. Muite recalled. "Actually at one time I thought he would be disconnected only to make sure he was listening to every word."

Once the lawyer was done, the President asked what was the best way forward. "First I told him I would have preferred the subject of dispute resolution mechanism outside the court," said Muite. But since the matter has reached the short, the best thing has been the matter go to its logical conclusion.

Muite told the President, and he was in favor of it. But in this case, it was still a chance, but it was still a chance of success.

However, Muite strongly advised against any interference by the State has already gotten attention from the international media and meddling by

Once again the President quietly listened to: "Bwana Wakili, the shoe fits well. We would like to say, "I used to be guided"

In yet another incident, a top manager of a commercial bank where the President had an account Argentina for a kill. Using the name of the president's kin, the bank manager managed to intimidate government bureaucrats and was just about to get into the business of the civil service and secretary to the Cabinet Geoffrey Kareithi.

He correctly figured out that the government of the United States would soon be in a state of emergency in the United States.

But knowing the names behind the scheme, Mr Kareithi sought direct intervention of the President. To his surprise, the President was not aware of the scheme. Mr Kareithi told me the President was so angry and right away from the rogue banker for a dressing down.

Then he turned to the latter and said: "You are my eyes in the government. Anything you do not know about it, it's just a question of knowing who it is. "

Much has also been said and written about the subject of the Kenyatta family.

Mr Kareithi what was the old man's view? He had a personal story on the subject of Kenyatta Road, off Thika Superhighway.

When he spotted the land then a white settler

To which the President asked: "If the white settler owns all the land by himself, why do not you own it alone?" The President went on: "That's where we Africans get it wrong. We want to sub-divide every single piece of land, which is of no economic use. In contrast, the whites set aside residential areas for the purpose of retaining a large share of the land. "

To emphasize his point, the President asked how many people were employed by the white man to work in the farm. Told about a thousand people, the President said: "Is not it foolish then to mutilate the land into small plots and make a thousand people jobless!"

Ironically, old Jomo never . Family sources say that he has had his mother, Mama Ngina, to develop and sell to other children – Uhuru, Muhoho, and Nyokabi, cam of age.

She actually did so Beginning in the early 1990s when Kenyatta ventured into big league business, Brookside Dairies.

The family also heavily invested in schools and schools. More recently they had ventured into media by acquiring the MediaMax Group, whose stable includes K-24 television, a couple of FM radio stations and the People Daily newspaper.

They've sold their majority stake in the media house to the Deputy Chairman William Ruto, the guy reputed to be sitting on a mountain of disposable income.

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