Who wants to be a billionaire? Not Elon Musk | Technology


Name: The curse of the billionaire.

Age: From the moment.

Appearance: Especially on Twitter.

What is it? The state of being absolutely charged – and condemned for that.

Who is the main victim? The inventor, entrepreneur and ridiculously ridiculously ridiculous Elon Musk. "The" billionaire "label, when used by the media, is almost always intended to belittle and denigrate the subject," he tweeted when the press did not take his plan for save the Thai football team trapped.

He was going to use a Star Trek teleportation machine to send the boys and their trainers out of the cave.

You make that. Only a little. He had different notions – underwater airbags, a miniature submarine, digging in the cave from above. Most experts rejected his ideas as impractical and a publicity stunt.

from where his Twitter response . Effectively. "This reaction has shaken my opinion of many people," he said. "We were asked to create a backup option and worked hard to do it, checked with the dive team several times to confirm that it was worth it, now it is there for everyone who needs it. in the future Something is messed up if it's not a good thing. "

And all because he's a billionaire. "One did not call me until my companies reach a certain size, but the reality is that I still do the same science and the same engineering as before. Just the scale has changed, "he said on Twitter

How much is he worth? About 20 billion dollars (£ 15bn).

How his tweets were received? Many were eager to relieve him of some of the burden.a radical political commentator praised his courage for discussing the "word B" and the oppressions that underlie it.

So, if it is not b **********, how does Musk want to be labeled? As a scientist and engineer.He says that his wealth is irrelevant and does not matter. is a stick to beat him.He attacked the media "holiest than you" for criticizing him, as well as his company Tesla, for criticism.

Fake news! You He suggested to set up a website, called Pravda, to badess the reliability of journalists

Not to be confused with: The billionaire just as put The White House While sharing Donald Trump's obsession with the media, Musk is richer and harder to pin down politically.

Say: "Who wants to be a billionaire?"

Do not Say: "Imagine the oppression and marginalization that you face daily as one of the most persecuted minorities in the world."

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