Why Governor Sonko's blow to the city's toilet has failed


  Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko. PHOTO | COURTESY Governor of Nairobi Mike Sonko. PHOTO | COURTESY

The public toilet sector in Nairobi was in the news last week when Governor Mike Sonko ordered his private operators to return the facilities to the town hall.

The fierce resistance with which operators reacted to the governor's directive. back off, revealed a little-known secret – that the sector is a multi-billion dollar shilling spinner.

The toilets industry in Nairobi brings in more than a billion shillings each year. It is controlled by a few groups and individuals that function as cartels. The struggles for control are common and vicious as groups scramble for a share of the money.

The Nairobi County Government says that there are 68 public toilets in the city of which 17 are located in the Central Business District

. public-private partnership that came into effect in 1999 when the late Nairobi City Council engaged the business community to find a solution to the deplorable conditions of the facilities

Many others were privatized during the regime of the first Governor Evans Kidero. [19659004] SMALL SIZE

Dr. Kidero stated that the toilets were privatized because the mayor did not have the ability to manage them. Operators had to charge a small fee for maintenance. There are 517 private toilets spread throughout the county in the city center, properties and markets.

Only one toilet in the central business district and markets, which costs 10 shillings per visit, can collect up to 30,000 shillings a day while those in the estates realize between Sh1,000 and Sh3,000 .

Of 63 public toilets, it is estimated that more than Sh1.9 million is collected each day translating to Sh56.7 million in a month and more than Sh680 million in a year

The private 517, with a daily collection average of 2,000 shillings, bring in 1 million shillings a day, more than 31 million shillings a month, and 372 million shillings a year.

This money explains why The sector is fiercely guarded, even with politicians from time to time to protect the operators.

The toilets are managed by individuals, youth groups, women's groups and the Central Business Hawkers Association. Some are led by supporters of influential politicians in the city, who "built" several toilets years ago.

The struggle for control is commonplace. In March, more than 300 armed youths tried to take five toilets from the Muthurwa market, OTC and the bus station. They were arrested by the police


Governor Sonko explains that fighting is frequent when the toilets are managed by individuals and politicians, who encourage groups of young people to take in charge of their installations.

The income from these toilets, he says, benefits mostly individuals. Mr Sonko said that there is no fighting in areas and markets where organized groups of women and young people are running the toilets.

million. Tom Makale, president of the Kenya Toilet Association, agrees. He says that the young people could have been urged by some leaders to wrest control of the toilets.

He appealed to the governor to safeguard the interest of their affairs in the city.

Private operators pay Sh6.2 million town halls a month or Sh74.4 million annually. The county through the direction of the environment oversees the management of toilets.

Last Wednesday, Governor Sonko, in a notice to operators said that all public toilets will now be run by the county and that the Nairobians will not be charged

But Sonko fell back after a week, telling operators who had challenged him that he had no problem with facilities management. He asked them to put an end to quarrels and provide city dwellers with quality services or to risk losing the toilets.

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