Witness the CVS coupon incident tells another story


A snob customer CVS initially characterized as a racial incident now seems to be more complicated than that.

An Edgewater resident who was at CVS when a white manager called the police over a black woman after rejecting her coupon, says client Camilla Hudson "went away loudly," refusing to leave, and followed the other manager when he entered the store's employee area.

Friday, 53-year-old Hudson, posted a viral video on Facebook. CVS employee Morry Matson calls the police to take her out of the CVS pharmacy at 6150 N. Broadway. "I appealed to the police for trying to use a coupon at the CVS pharmacy located at 6150 N. Broadway in Chicago!", She said in her message that drew the # Attention of the national media and almost 500,000 views on Facebook. Another client, Marquecia Jordan, says that she has seen everything. She turned to the Chicago Sun-Times on our Facebook page

The Sun-Times called Jordan to find out more. "I was there looking for a snack, and suddenly I hear this woman screaming, she raised her voice, yelling at the manager" Do you consider customer service? Jordan said.

Jordan created a scene. "I was very uncomfortable, the other client who stood there with me, she looked uncomfortable," said Jordan. "It is reported that they called [police] because of a coupon, it's just not that."

Hudson "emphatically" denies entering the employee-only area after the unidentified manager "slammed the door in my face" but she says that she did her face in "so I can make eye contact with him. "

<img data-attachment-id = "1230282" data-permalink = "https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/black-woman- says-cvs-manager-called-police-because-39 she-had-bad-coupon – / – screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm / "data-orig-file =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com /2018/07/screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm.png?w=604&h=544 "data-orig-size =" 604,544 "data-comments-open =" 0 "data-image-meta =" {"opening": "0", "credit": "Facebook", "camera": "", "caption": "" "created_timestamp": "0", "copyright": "", "focal_length": "0", "iso": "0", "shutter_speed": "0", "title": "", "orientation": "0"} "data-image-title =" Camilla Hudson "data-image-description ="

Camilla Hudson said that she tried usi ng a coupon from the manufacturer at a CVS but a manager accused her of trying to make a mistake. use a fraudulent coupon and called the police.

"data-medium-file =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm.png?w=604&h= 544? W = 333 "data-large-file =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm.png? w = 604 & h = 544? w = 604 "clbad =" full-size wp-image-1230282 "src =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/screen-shot-2018-07- 14-at-6-34 -43-PM.png? W = 604 & h = 544 "alt =" Camilla Hudson said that she tried to use a manufacturer's coupon at a CVS but a manager accused her of trying to 39; use a fraudulent coupon and called the police. "width =" 604 "height =" 544 "srcset =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm. png 604w, https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm.png?w=150&h=135 150w, https: //suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm.png? w = 333 & h = 300 333w "sizes =" (max- width: 604px) 100vw, 604px "/>

Camilla Hudson said that she tried to use a manuf The coupon of the Actor to a CVS, but a manager accused her of trying to use a fraudulent coupon and called the police. Facebook

"I have never invaded his personal space. At no time did I scream, using blasphemy, I was not disruptive beyond being a demanding client, if you like, what I feel is an appropriate way of respond to my concerns, "said Hudson. She wanted the supervisors to explain why they would not accept the coupon because she thought her refusal to accept was "accusatory" and "contentious". She says the manager told her that he looked handwritten and that he had never seen a coupon like that

Hudson said the supervisor did not say that. did not scan the coupon even though the company that issued the coupon confirmed later was legitimate. According to a CVS Coupon Policy, "We have the right to refuse or limit the use of any coupon and / or subsequent return for any reason and at the discretion of CVS Pharmacy's management. "

<img data-attachment-id = "1233542" data-permalink = "https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/black-woman-says-cvs-manager-called-police-because-she-had -wrong-coupon / coupon / "data-orig-file =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/coupon.jpg "data-orig-size =" 960 534 "data-comments-open = "0" data-image-meta = "{" opening ":" 0 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" "," legend ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focus_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "," orientation ":" 0 "}" data-image- title = "coupon" data-image-description = "

The manufacturer's coupon that Hudson tried to use at a CVS on the Friday before a manager called the police.

"data-medium-file =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/coupon.jpg?w=539&h=300 "data-big-file =" https: //suntimesmedia.files.wordpress .com / 2018/07 / coupon.jpg? w = 960 "clbad =" average size wp-image-1233542 "src =" https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/coupon.jpg? w = 539 & h = 300 "alt =" The manufacturer's coupon that Hudson has tried to use in a CVS on Friday before a manager calls the police. "width =" 539 "height =" 300 "srcset =" https: //suntimesmedia.files .wordpress.com / 2018/07 / coupon.jpg? w = 539 & h = 300 539w, https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/coupon.jpg?w=150&h=83 150w, https: / /suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/ 07 / coupon.jpg? W = 768 & h = 427 768w, https://suntimesmedia.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/coupon.jpg 960w "sizes =" (max -width: 539px) 100vw, 539px "/>

The coupon of the manufacturer that Hudson tried to use in a CVS on the Friday before a manager called the police.The company issuing the coupon confirms that it is legit. | Facebook

] Jordan said that she did not hear the conversation with the managers when they refused to accept the coupon and could not say if it was inappropriate. But "when she followed the 39, another manager across the store, being bellicose, I consider this harbadment. "

After following the other manager in the driveway, Hudson says that Matson came from the front of the store to tell him that he called the police, bie n that they hung up. Hudson told him to call back, and after hearing him blame him and the other manager, she started recording the now viral video.

Police Scanners Audio confirms that Matson called the police on Hudson for "harbading clients" and "making threats." Hudson claims that she was only threatening to call the service line at the business clientele.

Jordan believes that CVS employees have faced an unusual situation. "I feel like (the other manager) and Morry could have handled the situation better, but I imagine that they had not been trained to handle this type of situation." Guys were away from her, he should not have done that, but she also did not need to follow him, "said Jordan." When Morry called the police … that's what I would do. "

Hudson said that a CVS representative called after the incident to apologize. investigation, the company announced Monday that the two directors were no longer employed. "CVS spokesman, Michael DeAngelis, said that the security images were reviewed, but that he would not comment on the

Matson, a candidate for the alderman in the 48th parish, says he quits the race for health reasons. "In a statement, he stated that he had to to undergo surgery chirur gical to the brain next week to remove a lesion after having a seizure in May. He was an independent candidate.

Matson had been the head of a newly reactivated Log Cabin chapter, a group that defends conservative homobaduals. After the incident at CVS was reported, his organization was completed by the national organization.

"What happened to (the other manager) and Morry is a natural consequence of their choices and their actions," Hudson said. "There is nothing that I have done … that should have resulted in the police being called in. I do not apologize for my behavior." My own son mr. said that you could have left, you could have defused it … As a black woman, I'm fed up with it, so that it's on my plate to take the road and deescalate situations. "

Matson did not respond to Sun-Times' requests to comment on the incident.

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