Kevin Feige Black Widow secrets revealed on Marvel’s Twitter


Kevin Feige at a Black Widow event in Hollywood last month.

Kevin Feige at a Black Widow event in Hollywood last month.
Photo: Amy sussman (Getty Images)

It’s not every day Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, just came out and shares the secrets of his business. But it happened on Monday night during a Black Widow watch the party which took place on Twitter. Feige stayed online throughout and shared anecdotes, shouted and answered questions from fans about the movie-qquestions which open tons of speculation on what could be the next step for the characters in the film.

For the whole thread, click on any of the tweets below and simply expand them. But here are some of the best-and the most enigmatic—tweets from Loose. The first concerns the question of whether Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) was dusted off by Thanos during Infinity war. (Do not forget Black Widow takes place before the event.)

“YouI’ll find out, but not on this Twitter thread. Damn, Kevin, how are you gonna tease us like that? To speculate, as it is likely that Yelena will appear on the next Hawk Eye TV show (because of Black Widowthe scene of the end credits), one would imagine that his Thanos story would play into that in some way. Or maybe not.

Speaking of Yelena, one of Black Widowsweetest connections are Natasha’s retcon wearing the vest Yelena gave her Black Widow in Infinity war. Feige revealed that the idea of ​​having the link was put in place early on.

One of the best hotlines in Black Widow is the raving of Red Guardian (David Harbor). He talks about all of his confrontations with Captain America and how it was important to have the hero of Russia against the hero of the United States. We haven’t seen it, but Kevin Feige agreed he likes the idea. of the new Captain America, played by Anthony Mackie, showing up with the Guardian.

But, Sam Wilson doesn’t become Captain America until much later Black Widow. And wasn’t Steve Rogers in the ice from the 1940s to the 2000ss? Feige rightly insists on this point …

What makes you wonder who was fighting Red Guardian? Was he fighting someone? Well, think back to just a few months for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Isaiah Bradley was fighting as a US sanctioned super-soldier for some of the years Guardian was talking about. Moreover, its existence suggests that there might have been other experienced soldiers. It seems like this is a story that we will have a lot more of in the future.

To wrap up, Feige touched on the film’s end credits sequence featuring Julia Louis Dreyfus as Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. It was supposed to be her debut as a character but due to the pandemic, its appearance on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier came first. Nonetheless, Feige teases that she’ll be back, and even jokes about a connection with Loki.

It’s just classic Feige: dDestroy some kind of weird connection that doesn’t mean anything and let fans speculate on it for hours! Again, for more on Feige in regards to Black Widoww, click on any of the above tweets and expand them. He was online for bothmore hours of Black Widowthe execution of, so there are plenty of fun nuggets.

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