Kevin Feige on Why Nick Fury Does not Have Page Page Captain Marvel for Infinity War


Kevin Feige has his own answer on why Nick Fury does not have Captain Marvel For page during Avengers: war in the infinite. / Film has talked with the president of Marvel Studios for an interview and asked him about the pager that Carol is preparing for Fury in the latest movie Captain Marvel, asking why Fury had not used the pager while Thanos' black order threatened New York.

"Well, I would say two things," Feige said. "First, she says it must be a real emergency, right? Yeah … The other thing I would say is how do you know he never hit him? How do we know that he has never pushed before? We have never seen it grow before. That's not to say that he has never done it. "

The first part of the answer is similar to the response of Samuel L. Jackson, in which the actor Nick Fury said: "Other emergencies could be handled by those present. It's just an extraterrestrial invasion, it's something that could be managed. Half of the population did not die and did not let it go.

Captain Marvel is now open in theaters. You can see our movie review here


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