KFC mixes chicken and pixels with its new gaming PC


KFC, the famous fried chicken subsidiary of Yum! Brands (NYSE: YUM) and a finalist for the world’s largest restaurant chain by sales, is apparently going ahead with its plan to release the KFConsole, a high-powered gaming computer that also keeps chicken warm. Designed to resemble a bucket of fried chicken in outline, the PC has a high-performance gaming setup that supports virtual reality (VR) and 4K TV gaming, according to IGN and other sources.

Other specifications include a Intel Nuc9 Extreme Compute Element, a frame rate of 240 fps (fps) and a 1 terabyte SSD of Seagate, Engadget Reports. Neither KFC nor Cooler Master, the maker of KFConsole, have quoted a price at this point, but the Intel Nuc9 alone costs $ 3,100.

A young male gamer looking at a computer screen and smiling while dipping a piece of fried chicken in a container of sauce.

Image source: Getty Images.

The PC is also designed to keep KFC cravings close at hand. The device has a drawer containing a tray where pieces of chicken can be placed to keep them warm while you play, with Cooler Master indicating that this “chicken chamber” will use the “heat and circulation system”. ‘computer airs’, allowing you to “Focus on your gameplay and enjoy hot, crispy chicken between games.”

The bizarre gaming gimmick echoes a recent device in the form of a six-pack produced by Anheuser-Busch InBev under the name of the Bud Light BL6 console. This hybrid creation, only one of which has been built, functions as a game console, a projector and a two-can ‘koozie beer’. There is no indication of how many KFConsoles – “forged in KFC oven fires,” says Cooler Master – will be built.

The announcement is the second unusual KFC promotion launched by Yum! Brands this month. The first was a 15-minute comedy short titled A recipe for seduction on Lifetime, starring a fictional Colonel Sanders as the chef à la Casanova.


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