Kids II Recall: Nearly 700,000 Flip-Flops Recalled Today After Five Deaths


Kids II recalls asleep sleepers after the death of an infant

Another brand of sleepy rockers is recalled after the deaths of five infants over the past seven years. Kids II announced on Friday that it was recalling nearly 700,000 rocking trainers sold since 2012 at Walmart, Target and Toys R Us.

That comes just two weeks after Fisher-Price recalled about 4.7 million of his ilk Rock sleepers n Play in which more than 30 babies died over a decade.

The deaths in both sleepers occurred after infants turned from the back to the stomach or to the sides without being tied. The sleepers are padded cribs that rock or vibrate to help babies fall asleep.

US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Kids II said on Friday that it was recalling nearly 700,000 rocking sleepers.

US Consumer Product Safety Commission

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission said Friday that anyone buying a Kids II bed should stop using it immediately. Consumers can get a refund or voucher by contacting Kids II.

The recall concerns all models of Lullabies Kids II, sold between $ 40 and $ 80.


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