Kim Foxx's texts reveal his frustration with Jussie Smollett's case


"Sooo …… I'm challenged, but when people accuse us of having overpaid the lawsuits … 16 accounts for class 4 (crime) become Exhibit A," she wrote on the same day that a Cook Smollett County grand jury charged for disorderly conduct.

Foxx then compared the case of Smollett with another.

"Pedophile with 4 victims, 10 counts of indictment – a stunned celebrity who lied to the cops, 16. On a case that may be subject to delayed prosecution, I think that indicates something we should consider in a general way.This is not because we can accuse. "

These texts and other communications between Foxx, its staff of the public prosecutor's office and people outside his office were obtained by CNN through a request for open files.

Foxx said in a statement released Tuesday that she had contacted Joseph Magats, the first assistant's lawyer, after Smollett's indictment "to discuss the review of his office's policies to ensure consistency of our charges and our use of appropriate charging powers ".

"I have been elected to bring about criminal justice reform, which includes intentionality, consistency and discretion, and I will continue to uphold these guiding principles," Foxx said.

The documents shed light on the frustrations and pressures that the Foxx office was facing in dealing with the Smollett case.

Last month, the state attorney's office dropped 16 charges against the "Empire" actor, accused of organizing a hate crime against himself in Chicago. Smollett agreed to lose $ 10,000 in bail and do community service.

After the announcement of the end of the lawsuits, Foxx staff went out of their way to handle media requests and was criticized by the Chicago police.

"I would have liked to be able to anticipate the magnitude of this response and plan a little better," wrote Cook County General Counsel Risa Lanier in a text message.

Inspector General Patrick Blanchard will conduct an investigation into how the Foxx office handled the case.

The prosecutor stated that she had never been actively involved in the case because the crime was the most serious crime, but she received updates until the Ethics Officer sent an email. to his staff to ask him not to include him in the discussions on the investigation.

This is a story in development. Back for updates.


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