Kim Kardashian blamed for prison reform


Kim Kardashian The members of the prison reform movement have negative reactions in thinking that she has too much merit to help free and non-violent inmates … and the lawyers with whom Kim currently works are headed by them.

Kim's lawyer, Brittany K. Barnett, joined us on "TMZ Live" and talked about the people working behind the scenes to release the prisoners who feel that their hard work is being neglected by Kim 's association with penitentiary reform. Brittany says that it is not Kim who is responsible, but the media.

As we pointed out … Kim pays the bill while Barnett and his lawyer MiAngel Cody The Decarceration Collective sets the stage for the release of prisoners sentenced to draconian drug offenses. Together, their 90 Days of Freedom Campaign has released 17 men and women in recent months, reuniting them with their families after years in prison.

Brittany – who also believes that the media has made Kim believe that she supports the efforts – tells us that many rights groups have protested a lot … she said that many people think that the media place Too big Kim focuses solely on his celebrity and believes that the media have been neglecting their efforts for decades.

The blow against Kim was important enough that Brittany and MiAngel could take care of it on social media … saying: "We are two black lawyers … we are doing this for CULTURE, CAUSE and CODE. " But, in our convo, Brittany says there are 3 women working together, Kim included.

To be fair, Kim does more than just spend money. She also lobbies on behalf of the movement, sat down with President Trump in the White House and often deals directly with Jared Kushner. Not everyone can get this kind of access to powerful people.

Bottom line … Brittany tells us that she's too busy getting people out of jail to ask who will get the credit.


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