Kim Kardashian helps released prisoner remove tattoos and meet family


Kim Kardashian

Help ex-con to make a new start …

Tattooing on me !!!

08/05/2019 2:26 PM PDT

Kim Kardashian is making house calls to some of the inmates she recently released – as one of them in North Carolina just discovered – and she is preparing to put their lives back on rails.

It's pretty amazing – Azaria Algarinthe twin brother, PaulHe left North Carolina Central Prison on April 19, after serving 7 years in prison. But while he was in prison, he asked Kim's address so he could send him a letter because he had heard about the reform work that she had undertaken in the prison.

Azaria says that she thought her brother was ridiculous and that it was a pipe dream that Kim would even read his letter, not to mention his answer. It turns out that she did … during a personal visit to meet him and his family.

Kim and Kanye West flew to Charlotte Tuesday – the day after attending NYC & # 39; s Met Gala – meet Paul, Azaria and their mother. She also brought a doctor to discuss the possibility of removing tattoos from Paul's face so that he could make a fresh start after his incarceration. Kim and Kanye cover the cost of the procedure.

Azaria is upset by the gesture, saying … "Never, in a million years, I would have thought Kim would write to her (or even read her letter), would arrive right after the gala met (without talk about her fourth baby minute), invest in our family and laugh / tell us about the smallest things. "

Azaria tells TMZ that the group had lunch at the Lights Juicery & Cafe, then went to the nearby MedSpa for the first laser laser session to remove their facial ink.

She says … "I'm so proud of my brother who has taken steps in the right direction," and she is grateful for Kim's involvement in "such a special day that I will cherish forever."

As we told you, Kim more popular than ever with the prisoners and their families through help 17 inmates find freedom in the last 3 months.


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