Kim Kardashian reacts to the reaction of his decision to study to become a lawyer


Last week, in one of the largest plots in Kardashian's history, Kim revealed that she was studying to become a lawyer and that she would be appearing for the exam. in 2022. She has Vogue She is currently attending a four-year apprenticeship at a law firm in San Francisco and has decided to help Alice Marie Johnson get her release from prison.

Not surprisingly, people had something to say about it. All were not nice. Some said that Kim was "make fun of the judicial system", and others accused her of not being able to do it because of his privilege.

However, Kim has now responded to this criticism in an Instagram post she had shared yesterday. In one of the longest legends of all time, Kim writes:

    "Last year, I enrolled at the California State Bar to study law.For the next four years, a minimum of 18 hours a week is required, I will pass written tests and multiple choice each month My first year is coming to an end I'm getting ready for the baby bar, a mini-version of the bar, essential for studying law in this way I've seen some comments from people claiming that it was my privilege or my money that brought me here, but it is not the case.

    "One person actually said that I should" stay in my hallway. "I want people to understand that nothing should limit your pursuit of your dreams and the achievement of new goals," says Kim. "You can create your own tracks just like me.The bar of the state does not care who you are.This option is available to all those who have permission.It is true that I I have not completed my university studies.You need 60 credits 75) to participate in the "law reading", which is a law school being taught by lawyers.

    "For those who believe that it is the easy way out, this is not the case." My weekends are dedicated to my children, as I read and study, I work, I sleep my children and I spend my nights studying, and when I feel that I can not do it but the people around me support me, I changed my number last year and I'm disconnected from all of it. world because I took this strict commitment to follow my dream – It's never too late to follow your dreams.

    "I want to thank Van Jones for believing in me and for introducing Jessica Jackson, Jessica and Erin Haney have taken on the role of my mentors and I am always grateful to them for having passed so much time with me and to believe in me and supporting me throughout this trip.This week I have a great dissertation on Neglect.Get me good luck "


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