Kim Kardashian West pays 5 years rent for a prisoner released from prison


Kim Kardashian

Pay 5 years of rent

For the man released from prison

11/03/2019 8:54 PM PDT

Kim Kardashian West assures that a man recently released from prison will have a roof over his head for the next 5 years – she recovers her rent bills – confirmed TMZ.

Matthew Charles – who had served 20 of his 35 years in jail on non-violent charges related to drugs and weapons – was the first to be released under the new prison reform laws. Charles recently saw his housing application rejected because of his background.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us that Kardashian heard about Charles' story and wanted to do everything in his power to help her … so that she could pay her rent for the next 5 years.

Kim heard about Charles' story for the first time through an article posted on Twitter – Charles had been cleared to get his first early release by mistake in May 2016 – and two years later he had been sentenced to complete the rest of his sentence. Charles was able to start standing up by buying a car and staying with friends … but had trouble finding a place to live.

We were told that Kim had extended a hand to Charles and his friend on Sunday and had generously offered them to pay his rent and help him find a stable home.

Charles announced about the good news on Sunday: "I just received the most wonderful news tonight, which I just shared with everyone, Kim Kardashian-West heard about my situation. decided to help me. "

US Weekly – the first to have told the story – says that Charles plans to save to buy his own house while Kim is busy paying rent bills.


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