Kim Kardashian's best parenting tip is more useful than you think


When it comes to raising children, things can get pretty crazy. Parenting can easily change your view of the world, which leads you to wonder how your parents did it. It's really not for sensitive souls, as most people learn it after starting a family. Regardless of the stage of the children's education you are in, you will probably need advice from time to time. But would you ever consider taking Kim Kardashian's advice on parenting?

Before you start shaking your head or pressing your browser's Back button, listen to what the mother of three or so has to say. You might be surprised.

Kim Kardashian's best parenting tip is more useful than you think

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian | Jordin Althaus / E! Entertainment Photo Bank / NBCU via Getty Images

We can all agree that regarding style, Kim sets the trends. She is a very powerful influencer with enviable social media statistics. She is also determined and has a keen business sense, but what about her parenting skills? Is she really qualified to give advice to other mothers? We think so and that is why.

First, she has three children and her husband, Kanye West. They also expect their fourth baby, by surrogate mother, every day.

Secondly, she comes from a fairly large family, and although they have had a lot of conflict over the years, they still manage to be first. This "family first" mantra has united them all in spite of Hollywood and all the drama that reality TV brings.

Third, she recently did a video interview with Vogue titled, 73 questions to Kim Kardashian and she has surprisingly given parental advice that is more useful than you think.

What is the best part of being a parent?

In the video, she is at home with her three children and her husband. She walks around the house as if she were on a guided tour, but Kim also answers questions at the same time. When she was asked about what is best as a parent, she replied, "When the kids tell you that they love you," Kanye then replied "to the children To get his answer.

We also learned that Saint was currently going through a period PAW Patrol"Phase, which is something that many parents can relate to right now. North, on the other hand, has a more refined taste because she really likes Bill Nye the scientific guy.

It seems that Kim and Kanye have a fairly typical parental situation at home, despite their fame and their fortune.

What is Kim Kardashian's best advice on raising children?

According to Kim, the best parenting advice is that sometimes "just take it." We also learned during the interview that she and her sisters were chatting in groups, sharing parenting tips, and asking questions. As simple as it may seem, these are the two biggest obstacles that new parents often face.

Life can become quite unpredictable with children, and sometimes you can not plan ahead. Being able to follow the flow and work with what you have at the moment is a useful skill. Having the courage to recognize that you do not know everything is also important. She has a big family and everything, but one of her sisters has children. Being able to ask for advice and help each other is an excellent resource.

On another note, did anyone else notice how clean and empty their house was? Do they really live there? Where are all the toys? I guess if you have cameras at home, you probably pick up all the Legos.


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