Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory just had its ending changed, very slightly, in its latest patch


Square Enix recently updated Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory to version 1.04. While previous updates to the game fixed small issues in simpler bug fixes, this most recent update also interestingly changes an endgame scene, if ever so slightly.

Note that this is one of the scenes towards the end of the game, so be warned of potential spoilers.

Kingdom Hearts-Melody-of-Memory_KeyArt.jpg

In the scene titled “ Arrival ” in the Museum feature of the game, a short clip has been added which contains a brief dialogue between Even, Ienzo and Ansem. A static screen is displayed, and the three researchers make quick remarks about the issues while viewing Kairi’s memories. It appears to be related to events that occur later in the endgame sequences, which we won’t outright spoil.

In any case, here is the scene in question, captured by our friends at KHInsider. The new clip can be found about 30 seconds away.

Even: what’s going on !?
Ienzo: And just when things were going well.
Ansem: Something is wrong. Close it!

As to why Square Enix added such a small, seemingly almost insignificant clip to the game, perhaps they felt it contained important context in setting up subsequent events, whether in Melody of Memory. or maybe even in future titles. Scenes aren’t added very often to games like this (unless your name is Final Fantasy XV), so even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal, maybe it matters more? Or maybe not. it’s sometimes hard to say with Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch in November 2020. A PC version is coming to the Epic Games Store this week.

You can check out our positive impressions of Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory in George’s review.

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