Kinzinger denounces silence of his GOP colleagues after Gonzalez announces his retirement


“Now is the time to speak,” pleaded Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) To his fellow Republicans in a video message posted on Saturday, a day after fellow GOP representative Anthony Gonzalez announced his retirement.

Why is this important: Gonzalez was one of 10 House Republicans, including Kinzinger, who voted for impeachment. He said he decided not to get re-elected against a Trump-backed main challenger in 2022.

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  • If you think Trump is leading our party, you own his comments, or you need to speak out against them. If you think he is not leading our party, you have to say so publicly. The time for hiding is over, the stakes are too high, ”Kinzinger said.

Driving the news: Kinzinger, one of Trump’s fiercest Republican critics, was also one of 35 House Republicans to vote for the creation of a bipartisan commission on the Jan.6 insurgency.

What he says : “The future of the Party and politics in this country does not rest on us 10, it rests on the courage of the 180 others who have remained silent so far, “Kinzinger said in the video statement, referring to the vote of January impeachment.

  • “So many GOP colleagues have looked sideways, lacking the courage to speak out while privately hoping for change,” he said.

  • “When we all take a public stand, then we can answer once and for all the question who owns this party,” he added.

Go further: Kinzinger allies launch advocacy group

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