Kirsten Gillibrand delivers the launch speech at the Trump Hotel


"The people of this country deserve a worthy president for your courage," said Gillibrand. "A president who not only gives the example, but follows yours.Your courage inspires me every day, and that's why I run for president of the United States."

On Sunday evening, Gillibrand called the Trump Building next to her "a sanctuary of greed, division, and vanity," and long criticized President Donald Trump for treating him. of "cowardly".

"He demonized vulnerable people and knocked out," she said. "He puts his name in bold on every building.He does all this because he wants you to believe that he is strong.He is not.Our president is a coward."

After invoking Trump and officially proclaiming his candidacy, Gillibrand reviewed a series of political priorities and called for major progressive initiatives, including the establishment of "national paid vacations", "health insurance for all "and the" green vote ". New Deal. "

Picking up throughout the speech the theme of bravery, Gillibrand praised the "DREAMers", survivors of sexual assault and the LGBTQ community as she opposed her calls for bravery with what she said. she claimed to represent Trump.

As a senator, Gillibrand strongly criticized Trump and regularly voted against his candidates. After acquiescing to his record during Trump's tenure, Gillibrand was seen Sunday as the person who "stood up to Donald Trump more than anyone else in the US Senate."

And referring to the recent finding of the special council's investigation of former FBI director Robert Mueller, Gillibrand called for the publication of Mueller's full report.

"No one in this country, not even the president, is above the law or immune from any liability," Gillibrand said.


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