Kitten Upstages SNL Sketch on Post-Pandemic Dating


Saturday night live The evening’s final sketch addressed the expected awkwardness of post-pandemic encounters, but the actors’ jokes were overshadowed by an adorable tabby kitten who continued to meow during the latter part of the sketch.

The scene involved SNL cast member Kate mckinnon and the host of the night and musical guest, Nick jonas, as two strangers who meet at a bar on their first adventure in the (hopefully near!) future after the coronavirus pandemic ends.

The two stumble upon long unused flirting skills and terrible lines as they try to get to know each other.

“You have beautiful eyes,” Jonas said, “but they would look best on my floor.”

“I don’t think you said that correctly,” McKinnon replied, encouraging him to “maybe just try to make a flirty face” instead.

They then resort to magic tricks to impress each other, McKinnon first showing off a unique way to tie a cherry stalk into a knot which she reveals to have learned at “Hogwarts – just kidding!” Jail.”

Instead of pulling a bunny out of a hat, Jonas’ trick was to pull a kitten out of its coat. The little brown tabby meowed as the audience responded with glee.

McKinnon smiled happily as she took the squirming kitten from Jonas, then called for the bartender to bring a bowl of milk, which she drank instead.

The bartender, played by Aidy bryant, cradled the kitten in his arms as he continued to meow throughout the rest of the sketch.

Watch the video above, via NBC.

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