Klain says Harris would not quash parliamentarian on minimum wage increase


Chief of Staff of the White House Ron KlainRon KlainCollins: Biden’s .9T Coronavirus Package Will Get No Senate GOP Votes Capito Calls on White House to Authorize Toxic Chemicals Regulation White House press adviser resigns after threatening reporter Politico PLUS said the administration would not try to overturn the Senate parliamentarian if it decides a minimum wage hike must be withdrawn from a coronavirus relief program.

“It’s definitely not something we would do. We will honor the rules of the Senate and work within this system to get this bill passed, ”Klain said Wednesday on MSBNC.

The administration is pushing its $ 1.9 trillion stimulus package, which includes a provision to raise the federal minimum wage to $ 15 an hour by 2025. However, Democrats are anxiously awaiting a parliamentarian’s decision Senate on whether the minimum wage provision can remain in the bill. .

Democrats are trying to push through the package using a process known as budget reconciliation, which would allow legislation to pass by simple majority and avoid legislative obstruction demanding 60 votes.

However, it remains to be seen whether the parliamentarian of the Senate would decide that the increase is consistent with the Byrd rule, which requires that a law have an effect on the federal budget and that it not be “merely incidental” to that effect for to qualify to go through reconciliation.

As Speaker of the Senate, Deputy Speaker Harris could overthrow the MP if she decides the minimum wage provision should be removed. However, Biden, who served in the Senate for 36 years, is a staunch institutionalist who has expressed reluctance to change the rules of the upper house.

The minimum wage provision tore the divisions between centrist and progressive lawmakers.

His. Bernie sandersBernie Sanders Sanders Has The Right Target, The Wrong Target In The Fight To Help Low-Wage Workers Democrats Struggle On Minimum Wage Sanders Votes Against USDA Candidate Biden Vilsack MORE (I-Vt.), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said he was confident the minimum wage hike would be included and the bill urged senators to take action. But centrists like Sens. Joe manchinJoseph (Joe) ManchinHoyer: House to vote on COVID-19 relief bill on Friday Courts in Haaland moderate in tense Senate confirmation hearing Democrats deadlock over minimum wage MORE (DW.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) Opposed the increase, citing the possibility that the minimum wage provision could be removed in the Senate 50-50, even if the parliamentarian gives the green light .


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