[방송] Retrospective Review – PD Notebook & # 39; of the event …


MBC & # 39; PD Notebook & # 39 ;, who re-examined the late natural phenomenon, increased his ratings.

In & # 39; PD Notebook & # 39; aired on the last 24 days, one of the episodes of "The Last Nature", a story about the story that has been hidden for nine years about the death of the artist. actress Jang nature, continued. Ratings rose 4.5 percent (same as Nielsen Korea households), up 1.1 percent from the previous record of 3.4 percent.

In March 2009, the late Jean Nature left the world with four documents that he had recorded on his hostile stance during his lifetime. A novice actor who wanted to be a beloved actor of many people had to be called in the hands of a number of artists under pressure from a representative of the company 's agency , and the documents that she left contained the records. However, the investigation immediately after his death was supplemented by poor support, and the PD score returned to the record nine years ago.

After a long disturbance, the younger nephew who was interviewed confused the situations in the reception room that had to go together. He also testified that he had witnessed the authorities at the time of the incident, but he was sorry that no one was punished properly. In an interview, she brought back memories of what they were doing and what they were doing in the playful space of late nature.

Based on incident recordings and testimonials from informants of the time, filmmakers became aware that entertainment was organized independently of business, media or broadcasting.

The same day, "PD Notebook", which was the last day of the event, reporters personally met the characters of the so-called "naturalist list". Hate Jinro Park, Speaker of Parliament, Jeon Hee-cheon, former Chosun Ilbo reporter, Chun-soo Chun, CEO,

Jo Hee-cheon Former Chosun Ilbo reporter asked the question: "Let's see this to the court". Jung Se-ho, a PD reporter, said, "I just went because I wanted to learn golf."

In addition to the program "PD Note", the names of the people mentioned in the program was added to the real-time search term of the portal site In addition to the major repercussions, suspicions were raised about the events hidden in the veil ..

The PD Note, which completed the 1st broadcast, will be aired at 11:10 pm on the 31st.

Star Choi Boran of the YTN ([email protected])
[사진 = MBC]

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