& # 39; 100 Koguryo Chung Joo-joon & # 39; Sohn Heung-min … UEFA-UK press, preselection of Inter Milan


Sohn Heung-min (26, Tottenham), who has scored only one goal on 100 professional goals, should face Inter Milan.

Tottenham will face Inter Milan in Wembley Stadium in London on Wednesday and the fifth round of the Group B phase in the UEFA Champions League in 2018-19.

Tottenham is currently in third place with 1 win, 1 draw and 2 losses (4 points). Inter Milan (2 wins, 1 draw, 1 draw, 7 points) misses 3 points. The final phase of the group stage taking place away against Barcelona (3 wins, 1 draw, 10 points), it is necessary to score 3 points at Inter Milan.

Tottenham should take all his main places as a starter since he has to win. If they fail to impose themselves at Inter Milan, their lead over the round of 16 will be exceeded.

UEFA predicted that most of the previous weeks, when it had imposed 3-1 at Chelsea, would continue. Sohn Heung-min, who scored a fantastic goal in Chelsea, is also shown on the starters list. UEFA predicted that Shon Hee would form a team with Sohn Hee-min, Harry Kane and Delle Ali.

Sohn Heung-min scored 50m on the right side of the half-hour mark in the second half of the second half of Chelsea's match, 2-0, and beat Georgioungu. This goal is the first season of Son Heung-min in the Premier League. It's also the 50th goal after Tottenham. Sohn Heung-min scored his 99th goal after his professional debut in Hamburg in 2010-11. He has more than a goal to score in his 100th goal.
According to UEFA forecasts, Hugo Lloris will defend the goal and the coats will be played by Sergiy Orie, Jan Berthan, Tobi Alder Baleit and Ben Davis. Cristian Ericsen, Musa Shisoko and Eric Dyer should play midfield. Only Berthaon was absent from Chelsea. Juan Foix has been selected for Chelsea.

Local media in England are also planning to start the selection of Sohn Heung-min. The Daily Star and the Sports Mall of the British daily predicted the selection of Cho Sun Heung. Everyone was eager to see Kane, Ali and Eric Sen with Son Heung-min, who had broken Chelsea.

(Seoul = News 1)

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