US Senator Wins "Limit of Patience to North Korea" … Maintains Sanctions to Denuclearization "


US senators say the Trump administration should not wait for North Korea to denuclearize itself. In the negotiations with North Korea, the United States said that patience meant maintaining sanctions until denuclearization. Reporters report.

Republican Senator Corey Gardner recently said that US President George W. Bush's "patience" with Ms. Pompeo during talks on the North Korea talks meant that "the United States would continue to press North Korea until it is denuclearized ".

[녹취:가드너 의원] "No, we need the denuclearization now or we will continue to press until they do it, so the patient means we're going to keep the pressure up until we get it right." They are doing it, that's what we're going to do. "

Senator Gardner, head of the Senate's External Relations Committee, met with VOA journalists on Monday. She said: "The United States can wait for North Korea's denuclearization measures as long as it continues its nuclear tests and missiles." I said no.

The United States now needs the denuclearization of North Korea. Otherwise, they will continue to put pressure on them until they are denuclearized.

"We know that negotiations with North Korea will be a long process," US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in an interview with local radio stations in Kansas on Thursday. Over there.

The United States stated that it had authorized North Korea to continue suspending its nuclear tests and missile tests, and that the economic sanctions that allowed North Korea to enter into relations with the United States United States will be maintained.

President Donald Trump also said that he would not set a timetable for the denuclearization of North Korea last September and that he would set another date for the postponement of talks between the United States and the United States. North Korea on July 7, claiming that "America is not in a hurry," he said.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the Senate's External Relations Committee, said the key to VOA lies in the sanctions against North Korea and that they will continue.

[녹취:루비오 의원] "As long as the sanctions are not lifted, I mean, but the key here is the sanctions, they will stay in place, so as long as the sanctions are in place, moving forward slowly is no different from what they are doing. now, which does not move at all in many ways. "

It is emphasized that progress slowly does not differ from what North Korea is currently doing, because the sanctions are maintained, and that does not move at all in many ways.

There was an opinion that the United States is reaching the limit for North Korea.

Democratic Senator Chris Kearns.

Democratic Senator Chris Kearns.

Democrat Senator Chris Kuns, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said the only thing the United States has won in an agreement between President Trump and Kim Jong-un is "to stop the spectacular test of nuclear missile carried out by North Korea ".

[녹취:쿤스 의원] "Look, at this point, the only benefit we've got from the agreement between President Trump and Kim Jong-un is the cessation of the spectacular public tests of missiles and nuclear warheads." But I think it's a long time for us to know when and how North Korea will begin denuclearization. "

But North Korea stressed that it was time to clarify when and how to start denuclearization.

John Kennedy Republican Senator.

John Kennedy Republican Senator.

Senator John Kennedy, a Republican senator, also said during the North Korean talks: "Perseverance is no longer a virtue." "The United States is fast approaching this stage."

[녹취:케네디 의원] "Patience is no longer our virtue and we are reaching this stage with North Korea Frankly, at this point, it seems to me that Kim Jong-un is shaking us as in the past.

At this point, he candidly criticized Kim Jong Eun for seemingly underestimating the United States as he did in the past.

VOA News

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