MK News – Zico, not to mention the blockbuster in the award for best musician [2018 AAA]


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Description of the imageZico icon picture = capture & 2018 AAA & # 39;

[MBN스타 안윤지 기자] & 2018 AAA & # 39; Zico and Icon won the prize for best musician.

The 2018 Asia Artist Awards & # 39; (& # 39; 2018 AAA & # 39;) were held at Incheon Namdong Gymnasium in the afternoon of the 28th. It was broadcast live on MTN Today and V LIVE Star News Channel.

Zico and Icon were awarded the prize for best musician.

In particular, Zico has grabbed attention by choosing 2018 AAA as the first official appearance of Seven Seasons and Blockbee.

Zico said, "I would like to thank you for the invitation" 2018 AAA "for the third year.In fact, I think I have not been able to play music diligently in 2018. I think I have been congratulated for my support and encouragement. "" I appreciate the KQ family members and all the artists who have supported me for five years, "he says. said.

In addition, "Block Bhattili will perform at the end of the year." Come often see, "he added, adding that he still stood out as a non-stop friend.

"I appeared for the first time in" 2018 AAA ", and I am very grateful to this icon for receiving such a great price and for giving me a glorious and meaningful time. keep busy and look for a good scene.I will always look at you in a low position.Thank you Reporter Ahn Yunji [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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