Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly, Child Allowance Decision to pay "all children under 9 years" from next year


It is planned to receive a monthly allowance of 100,000 won per month for children under six, starting next year, under nine years. It is also a policy for all children, regardless of their income.

The Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly (President Lee Myung-soo), which examines the budget of the following year, adopted the budget of the Ministry of Health and Good to be August 28 to explain the increase of 535.1 billion won from the budget of family allowances and the budget of family allowances. . As a result, next year's child allowance budget has gone from the government's estimate of W 1,921 trillion to W 2 422 trillion.

According to the budget, the Ministry of Social Welfare will receive family allowances for children under 6 currently eligible from next January and for children aged 6 to 9 from September. .

Lee Myung-soo, Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee,

Lee Myung-soo, Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee,

The budget should go through a process of badessing the cuts in the budget committee reporting to the budget committee. The policy will only be finalized if it is adopted in accordance with the original bill. In addition, it is necessary to determine whether budget implementation is possible at the departmental level and the National Assembly needs a process of revision of the law on family allowances.

The government pays a monthly allowance of 100,000 won per month for households with children aged 0 to 5 from September.

The government first tried to pay all children a universal allowance, regardless of the income of their parents, but during the treatment of the budget last year, the opposition party, like the free Korean and the people of the time, was paid in reverse. The opposition party has recently taken a stand on this issue, which has become a "universal allowance" in about a year.

The child allowance can only be granted if the applicant has applied for a child allowance in accordance with the "Application Note".

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