The first source of high-energy neutrino emission … The neutrino astronomy opens


(Seoul-Yonhap News) Lee Joo-young, the international astrophysics research team, for the first time confirmed a celestial body emitting a high energy neutrino called a "ghost particle".

This is the beginning of "neutrino astronomy" which studies the universe through neutrinos and multi-messenger astronomy, which studies the universe with various signals such as that light, radio waves, X-rays, gravity waves and neutrinos We hope that it will be an opportunity to do it.

IceCube Collaboration, which includes 300 scientists from 49 research institutes from 12 countries, published two high-energy neutrinos from two scientific papers published in the international journal Science. (Blazar), an astronomical object that lies 3.7 billion light-years away from Earth.

<img src = "" border = "0" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" width = "500" alt = "MIGA Observatory of Antarctic Ice Cubes [IceCube Neutrion Observatory 제공=연합뉴스]

A team led by Professor Karstenroth of the Department of Physics of Sungkyunkwan University and Sungkyunkwan University is also involved in the research of high energy neutrinos and the Dark matter search by indirect methods In this article, six researchers have been appointed as co-researchers.The results of the study show that the Antarctic Glacier Neutrino Meteorological Observatory immediately detected a high-energy neutrino on September 22 of last year and that it immediately reached NASA's Fermi gamma ray space telescope and the Cherenkov telescope of the Canary Islands (MASIC) .This is the first time we have evidence of a blister conn u (TXS 0506 + 056) which has been known to release high energy neutrinos.

Cosmic rays, which have high energy particles in the space, have been observed more than 100 years ago, but we still do not know how these particles are made and how billions of years ago light come out of the space.

Among the cosmic rays, neutrinos are called "ghost particles" because they have no charge, they rarely react with common materials, and their mbad is so small that detection is difficult.

If the trajectory is traced back due to the influence of the electromagnetic field and the motion path is not curved, it is possible to find the source of emission, but the detection itself is difficult.

The only neutrinos emitted up to now are the Sun and the 1987A Supernova.

Low energy neutrinos from the sun still cross the earth and our bodies.


Ice Cube Neutrino Sangsangdo Mysterious Observatory This photo shows 5,201 optical sensors installed at 1 얼 under ground at 1.5 km under Antarctica. [IceCube 제공=연합뉴스]

However, the neutrino detected by the Neutrophic Ice Observatory last September is a high energy neutrino of 300TeV, which is hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than the neutrinos emitted by the sun or the 1987A supernova .

It is more than 40 times more powerful than the energy (6.5 TeV) created by the Large Particle Collider (LHC) of the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), the most particle accelerator powerful.

These high energy neutrinos are hard to detect, but their origin is not known at all.

The Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory is constructed by inserting 5,160 optical sensors through a hole in ice 1 부 by volume below the 1.5 km basement of the Antarctic Base. Scott in Antarctica.

The high energy neutrino reacts with atomic nuclei in ice to detect the presence of high energy neutrinos.

The Ice Cube Neutrino Meteorological Observatory detected one of the high-energy neutrinos (IceCube-170922A) on September 22 and immediately informed the world's largest telescopes to observe estimated objects as sources of emission.

<img src = "" border = "0" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" width = "499" alt = "Blazers that emit gamma rays and high-energy neutrinos [IceCube/NASA 제공=연합뉴스]

The estimated source of emission sources was Blaze TXS 0506 + 056, which was 3.7 billion light-years away. direction of the Orion.

The blizzard is a celestial body that has a mbadive black hole that rotates rapidly in the center and emits a strong gamma ray in the direction of the axis of rotation.

The Fermi Gamma Telescope, the Cherenkov Gamma-ray Telescope, and the Pennsylvania State University (AMON) Multi-Messenger Observation Network have received requests from the University of Pennsylvania. Neutrino Meteorological Observatory Ice Cube. +056 is a source of high energy neutrino emission.

Dr. Francis Halzen Wisconsin-Madison, Senior Investigator at the Ice Cube Neutrophic Observatories, stated that this achievement was possible because observations of optics, radio waves, and X-ray telescopes were possible. "This study will mark a new milestone in multi-signal astronomy." He said.

Multi-signal astronomy refers to the study of the same astronomical or cosmic phenomena by other signals such as optics, radio, x-rays, gamma rays, gravitational waves and neutrinos.

Because each signal has different contents to understand, it can understand the phenomenon such as black hole or supernova explosion more precisely. Professor Suh Bong Kim of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, said, "This research is of great significance because it confirms for the first time that gamma rays ejecting explosions are a source of high-energy neutrino emission In addition to observations, multi-signal astronomy has become another major achievement in performing simultaneous observations of high-energy gamma neutrinos. "

scitech @ yna

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