Krewe from Chad Does the Wall Street Journal: Make Fun of a "Not Cool" Mardi Gras Lifestyle | Mardi Gras


Our local obsession with gaining space before the Mardi Gras parades caught the attention of The Wall Street Journal, which today published an article by Jennifer Levitz chronicling the growing brawl.

The story "What's crazier than Mardi Gras? Securing a place to watch the New Orleans parade" (which is behind an anti-payment wall) begins with Bradley Warshauer, a Mid-City resident and contributor to Gambit, who says, "It's getting earlier and earlier, it's not cool.

Levitz also maintains with Courtney Gullo, who is fighting Chad's Krewe with a lawnmower (to eliminate paint spray) and wire cutters (to dismantle "ladder barriers") , and with Jeanea Bandi, whose family uses ladders to mark spaces, "We do not like presidents. Nobody likes presidents.

Krewe from Chad: You are famous.

Rain and some grass may have thwarted the plans of the first-time adopters who painted their names on the …

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