Kris Bryant just got out of the game in inning five (Update: Right Hamstring Fatigue)


It didn’t seem like anything was wrong when Kris Bryant made a spectacular diving catch at the bottom of the third inning, but two innings later he came out of the game in favor of Ian Happ.

Here’s another look at this take, in case you missed it.

I know you’ll immediately think of the business implications that were laid out so aggressively and explicitly earlier today, but the dive plug really blurs the water there (that said, it wasn’t a particularly difficult). And while there hasn’t been a reason for its release yet, some of the beat writers note that there haven’t been any hugs in the dugout.

I think the most likely explanation here is simply that he changed something while diving. And your HOPE is that the Cubs only pulled it out of caution. I’ll update this post as soon as we know more.

UPDATE: As expected, it was not the moment that we were all waiting for. But that’s not good news either. Bryant is one of the Cubs’ best trading chips on the deadline and he just left the game with an injury characterized as right hamstring fatigue. Brett has a good explanation here in this thread.

In short, you want to be VERY careful and specific with describing an injury for a player you (probably) intend to trade.

Relax for now and hope Bryant comes back tomorrow (or soon after).


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