Kris Jenner breaks silence on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West divorce


Kris Jenner breaks her silence on Kim Kardashian and Kayne West’s divorce.

Shortly before the final season of the long-running family reality show keeping up with the Kardashians kicked off Thursday night, Jenner sat down for an interview on The Kyle & Jackie O Show in Australia and publicly addressed Kimye’s separation for the first time since her daughter filed for divorce in February.

“I think it will always be difficult anytime … you know there are a lot of kids,” Jenner said (by People). “The good thing about our family is that we are there for each other and we support and love each other very, very much – so all I want is for these two kids to be. happy. And I want the kids to be happy. That’s the point. I think we all want this for our families, just so we can have … love and appreciation for each other and just that everything the world is fine. ”

When asked if viewers could see the couple’s divorce feature in KUWTKJenner’s final season has been predictably shy, saying, “You might.”

“I don’t know what they decided in the finale because we haven’t even seen the first show yet. I’m sure they’re putting the finishing touches, but I think it’s just a private moment. for them, ”she elaborated. “Kim wanted to handle this with her own family at her own pace, so I think it will be her job to do and deal with. When she feels like it, I’m sure she’ll say what she needs to say. “

The last season of KUWTK airs now, Thursday nights at 8 p.m. ET on E!

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