Krispy Kreme Launches New Line Of Mini Donuts Featuring Strawberry Cheesecake Flavor


At Delish

Here’s a secret: Sometimes I don’t want a whole donut. It’s not because I’m a person who complains that a full donut makes me too full (AKA a liar), but rather because I like a little variety in my life. So yeah I’m that person in your office (back when we were all actually in offices, i.e.) which cuts a piece of donut here and another donut there so that I don’t have to pick one. But now I, and everyone else like me, has a solution thanks to Krispy Kreme.

The donut chain announced today that it is presenting a new limited-edition Mini Dessert Donut collection inspired by four different and equally delicious desserts. The collection includes a lemon bar, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mini birthday cake donuts, and honestly, can you think of a better selection of flavors? These adorable little donuts will come in a new four-unit box, as well as the existing 16-unit box, to satisfy your sweet tooth, whatever your hunger.

Photo credit: Krispy Kreme
Photo credit: Krispy Kreme

Donuts will be available from today at participating stores across the United States. Oh, and mark your calendars because Krispy Kreme will be doubling down on Wednesdays throughout the month as mini “Win-days”. Be sure to check out Krispy Kreme’s social media accounts on January 13, 20, and 27 to find out what the “Win-day” deal is that day. OK, I think that’s it! Go ahead and eat as many mini donuts as you can fit in your mouth. You deserve it!!!

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