Kump Kobach and Ken Cuccinelli for "Tsar of Immigration"


President Trump would be interested in adding a "border" or an "immigration czar" to his team to coordinate the federal agencies' policies in the area of ​​immigration. ;immigration.

Trump is seeking former Kansas State Secretary Kris Kobach and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, sources at the Associated Press said. The "Tsar" would work with a range of government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice to ensure that they are safe. ensure that all agencies are in tune with each other to implement the Trump government immigration policies.

Kobach and Cuccinelli are both Republican and Trump allies, and they have been vocal in securing the border. For example, Kobach started this year promoting a group called "We Build The Wall," a nonprofit organization developed from a GoFundMe effort to make money for a border wall. .

It is uncertain whether the post is assigned to the White House or the Department of Homeland Security. Confirmation by the Senate would be necessary if it was created within DHS.


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