Kurt Russell’s Crazy Santa Preparation


Kurt Russells Insane Santa Claus Prep

Some actors inhabit certain characters from the start, thanks to careful and thoughtful preparation that can go beyond what is necessary.

David Suchet compiled an incredibly long psychological profile of the character of Hercule Poirot, going through each of Agatha Christie’s books and taking notes before creating said profile – which allowed him to step into the role as if he was. born to play it from the get-go. go.

Now, it looks like Kurt Russell did something similar, but this time it’s for the role of Santa Claus in Netflix’s “The Christmas Chronicles” movies. While promoting the sequel, filmmaker Chris Columbus told ComicBook.com that Russell went all out in his preparation:

“What is incredible is [Russell] really treats it as a method. I don’t know if I told you, but he wrote 200 pages of Santa’s backstory. About the mythology, how he met Mrs. Claus. We couldn’t use [all of it]. And that is his level of commitment. If you speak with him he is very serious about it. He approaches him as if he were a method actor playing Santa Claus. And that’s what got me so excited about the first movie, is that you’re given that as a director and you have to run with it. You have to say to yourself, ‘It’s a gift to be able to work with a guy who is so committed to his role.’ “

The first movie arrived in 2018 and offered a more beautiful and fun take on Saint Nick. The sequel just made its debut on the service and sees Santa Claus teaming up with the kids from the previous film as well as Mrs. Claus (Russell’s real wife Goldie Hawn) and the Elves, to keep a new troublemaker out of the picture. ‘cancel Christmas forever.

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