Kushner resurfaces with Middle East editorial


In the editorial, Kushner touts Abraham’s accords and calls on President Joe Biden to “build on progress in the Middle East,” primarily praising his stepfather’s policies, but also offering encouragement to Biden.

Kushner, one of the most ubiquitous officials in the Trump administration, with sweeping responsibilities ranging from Middle East peace to criminal justice reform, has kept a low profile since leaving the White House, moving from Washington to Miami with his wife Ivanka Trump. January 20.

Earlier this month, CNN reported that while former President Donald Trump planned his return to Mar-a-Lago politics, Kushner tapped, several people who worked closely with him at Home Blanche or who know her thinking told CNN about the background in order to maintain relations.

“Right now he’s just stepped out of politics,” one person told CNN, several people telling CNN that Kushner was really – this time – indeed done with Trump’s rhetoric. Another person familiar with Kushner’s new chapter has said that he wants closure and a fresh start, which does not include counseling his stepfather on a daily basis. But two other people who spoke with CNN said Trump had told those close to him that he was angry with Kushner.

Kushner was a key negotiator in the Abraham Accords, a landmark US-brokered peace treaty between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, signed in September 2020 at the White House, with Morocco and Sudan later joining the agreement. The agreement guaranteed the establishment of political and economic ties for the first time in the history of the two countries.
In Sunday’s editorial, Kushner praised the Biden administration’s openness to diplomacy with Iran, which last month rejected an offer by the European Union to participate in nuclear talks with the United States. and the other signatories to the nuclear deal. Biden said the United States would not lift sanctions to bring Iran back to the negotiating table, suggesting the move would only happen if Tehran stops enriching uranium.

“The Biden administration, however, has one asset the Trump administration never had – a relationship with Iran. While many have been troubled by Team Biden’s open offer to work with Europe and join the deal with Iran, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. I saw it as a smart diplomatic move, ”Kushner wrote.

He continued, “The Biden administration called Iran the bluff. It revealed to Europeans that the JCPOA is dead and only a new framework can bring stability for the future. When Iran asked for a reward simply for entering into negotiations, President Biden did the right thing. and refused. “

For his part, Secretary of State Tony Blinken praised some of Trump’s efforts regarding peace in the Middle East, saying last week that “the initiatives which led countries to normalize their relations with Israel were a very good thing and something. we want to build on. “

Kushner also described the Israeli-Arab conflict as “nothing more than a real estate dispute between Israelis and Palestinians which does not need to delay Israel’s relations with the wider Arab world.”

“The table is set. If smart, the Biden administration will seize this historic opportunity to unleash the potential of the Middle East, ensure America’s security, and help the region turn the page on a generation of conflict and conflict. ‘instability,’ he wrote.

The editorial also comes as Reuters reports that Kushner plans to write a book about his time in the White House, with a focus on the Middle East, among other topics.

CNN’s Kate Bennett, Dana Bash, and Paul LeBlanc contributed to this report.


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