Kylie Jenner does Caitlyn Jenner’s makeup for the first time


Caitlyn Jenner had lunch in town and needed someone to do her makeup. Lucky for her, she knows someone.

In a first, Jenner got her makeup done by her daughter and beauty mogul Kylie Jenner, whose cosmetics company made her a multimillionaire. Young Jenner had never done makeup on her dad before, and said it was “the highlight of my life,” but jokingly warned her dad, “I’m so dear.”

Caitlyn and Kylie Jenner. Youtube

The 71-year-old Olympic gold-medalist decathlete featured the makeup shoot on her YouTube channel, and the glamor shoot was filmed at the Kylie Cosmetics offices, a hip space with a large fluorescent “KYLIE” on the wall. “My little baby that I changed her diapers with is her office,” Jenner said beaming to the camera.

As the couple settled in and the 23-year-old makeup mogul worked, she took the opportunity to ask her father a few questions, especially if Jenner ever thought that day would come.

She did not do it. “No, I never thought, I mean, I was 65 before I finally got over that,” she said, referring to becoming transgender in 2015. “I had to raise everyone else. , and I had such a life, ”she said, but knew it was“ my time to be me ”.

Kylie made a shrewd observation, that although she’s the family makeup artist, her dad has a lot more experience using a lip liner or eyelash curler. “You’ve been wearing makeup longer than anyone I can imagine,” she told him.

Caitlyn’s first big media appearance after her release was on the cover of Vanity Fair in 2015. Jenner said it was the first time she had applied makeup professionally, even though she had been doing it alone, in secret, in thirty. years. years. “I thought I was dead and gone to heaven,” she told her daughter about the Vanity Fair experience, which included spending a day trying out a clothes truck.

Speaking about a question that has been raised for years, young Jenner asked her father what she thought of being always called “dad,” which she says sometimes confuses people.

“I think it was one of the best decisions I made,” Caitlyn said. “I am the father, I have been the father all the way, I will be their father until the day they die, or I die.

She added that from the start she felt that “I have to do it my way…. everyone has to do it their own way.

As Kylie used a makeup brush on her father’s face, smoothing out the foundation, Caitlyn spoke about the time leading up to her release, saying, “You know how complicated and difficult it was to live my life. , to sneak, to lie to people, to do this, to do that, just to survive. I don’t have that anymore. Caitlyn emphasized how supportive her family is.

The final result!Youtube

“I want you to be able to be free and be yourself,” Kylie said. “No one should live otherwise.”

After applying a bare lip with a bit of shine, Kylie’s work was revealed to her dad, who hugged his daughter, said she loved her (and her makeup!) And then watched. the camera saying with a smile: “Not bad for 71! “


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